Skin and Wound Care

Skin care

During the first few days after surgery, you are at risk of getting pressure ulcers on your heels and bottom. A pressure ulcer is an area of skin damage caused by sitting or lying in one position for too long.

It is important to check the skin on your heels and bottom twice a day for any red or bruised looking areas. If you notice any areas like this, please tell the nurse looking after you.

Wound care

After your surgery you will have dressings over your wounds which have to stay on until you go home from hospital. Nurses will change the dressings every 2-3 days.

Please do not take off the dressings or rub them. If you are itchy, tell the nurse looking after you. It is important that you shower regularly as this helps to prevent wound infection by keeping skin bacteria levels down. 

You will be asked to shower on the morning of your surgery and then on day 2 after your operation. You should continue to do this at least every other day. If the skin around the wound(s) becomes red, hot or swollen please seek advice from your GP and/or the tissue viability nurse. If the wound(s) start to produce any fluid or open up please attend the Emergency Department and/or contact the tissue viability nurse.

Tissue Viability Nurse Contact: 0141 452 5786